Creating Fun Photos with Braces

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There is no need to feel self-conscious or embarrassed about wearing braces. For the young, it has become a rite of passage as common as getting a driver’s license. So, don’t hide your smile when getting a pic taken. Besides, we have ways of making it fun!

Embrace Your Braces with Colored Rubber Bands

The most appealing people are the ones that appear comfortable in any circumstance. One way to display that kind of confidence is to boldly embrace your braces with our endless selection of colorful rubber bands.You can pick your favorite color, or mix and match. Change them out for every occasion. How about the holidays? Red for Valentine’s Day, green for St. Patrick’s Day, orange for Halloween, etc. On Independence day you can wear red, white and blue! If you’re feeling particularly wild, neon colors and glow-in-the-dark bands are also available.

Photo Editing Fun

If you still really, really, don’t like how your pic came out, there is always Photoshop. Any photo-editing software will do, even a simple paint program can cover up your braces. Just zoom in on the offending metal mouth, pick the natural tooth color with the dropper, and erase the unwanted dental work. You might want to give yourself purple hair and a mustache for the heck of it.

The important thing is to not let wearing braces make you change the happy person that you are. Focus on the day that you get them off and how good you’ll look! And if you are going to be getting braces shortly, be sure to discuss your options with us. There may be a type of dental appliance that is less visible than the traditional kind that would work for you.

If you need braces on your teeth, call Dr. Don Niu and our helpful team at Irvine Dental Group. Phone: 949-551-8877. Make an appointment or come by our office in Irvine, California.