Yearly Oral Health Reminders: Toothaches

If you have any aches or pains in your mouth, there is a chance you have a toothache. Toothaches are infections that are routinely caused by periodontal disease, cracked teeth, and tooth decay. If a toothache does occur, it is important to make sure it is treated immediately before it can do further damage. If you believe a pain in... read more »

Brushing with Your Braces On

Once you have your braces on, you may wonder how you are going to find your teeth underneath all of that metal. How can you be expected to brush your teeth when it seems like you can hardly see your teeth? Well, they are there, and they will need even more TLC than usual while you have your braces. Usually,... read more »

Oral Health Essentials: Sedation Dentistry

The connection between dentistry and sedation has been well documented for many years. Sedatives often help patients to de-stress before procedures so they can be done safely with as minimal amount of pain as possible. Finding the right sedative is key based on the oral health treatments you require. Gas sedatives such as laughing gas can be used for a... read more »

How Dental Crowns Can Help You

Dental crowns are a common way to restore a damaged smile. To help you understand more about dental crowns, our staff here at Irvine Dental Group in Irvine, California, is happy to give you some information so you can decide if crowns are right for you. Professional dental crowns are a cap that goes over a tooth and can be... read more »

Would You Like to Upgrade and Enhance Your Smile?

Would you like to upgrade and enhance your smile? Cleaning your teeth should be a task that everyone undertakes in order to maintain a happy smile with superb oral health. Likewise, if you do not clean your orthodontic treatments, including your braces, they will not be able to function or serve you appropriately. Listed below are a few terrific questions... read more »

Activate Your Oral Health Care Shine with Zoom! Whitening Treatments

Activate your oral health care shine with Zoom! whitening treatments. With the help of a professional treatment such as Zoom!, your teeth will be brighter and whiter than ever before. Zoom! whitening can even reverse damaging stains and discolorations caused by aging. For a more detailed list of what Zoom! can offer, see below: - Zoom! whitening kits work by... read more »

Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments for All Types of Oral Health Issues

Cosmetic dentistry is becoming more and more advanced every year. No longer are we designated to simply brushing and flossing for a healthy smile, although strong oral hygiene habits set the foundation for good oral health along with regular professional dental cleanings, but today's dentistry offers expanded options when it comes to creating a beautiful, healthy smile.  You can achieve... read more »