Oral Health Essentials: Sedation Dentistry

The connection between dentistry and sedation has been well documented for many years. Sedatives often help patients to de-stress before procedures so they can be done safely with as minimal amount of pain as possible. Finding the right sedative is key based on the oral health treatments you require. Gas sedatives such as laughing gas can be used for a... read more »

Activate Your Oral Health Care Shine with Zoom! Whitening Treatments

Activate your oral health care shine with Zoom! whitening treatments. With the help of a professional treatment such as Zoom!, your teeth will be brighter and whiter than ever before. Zoom! whitening can even reverse damaging stains and discolorations caused by aging. For a more detailed list of what Zoom! can offer, see below: - Zoom! whitening kits work by... read more »

Floss Like a Boss!

Are you reaching expert-level status for flossing yet? If not, do not fret as it is a skill that can constantly be improved as you can spend three minutes a day fine-tuning your skills. In no time at all, you can go from a crooked flosser with bad techniques to an oral hygiene superstar. You can floss like a boss... read more »

Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments for All Types of Oral Health Issues

Cosmetic dentistry is becoming more and more advanced every year. No longer are we designated to simply brushing and flossing for a healthy smile, although strong oral hygiene habits set the foundation for good oral health along with regular professional dental cleanings, but today's dentistry offers expanded options when it comes to creating a beautiful, healthy smile.  You can achieve... read more »